In this session you will learn how write dynamic documents with R Markdown. This session is essential for your final paper.
In this session you will learn how estimate models for categorical, especially binary, outcomes.
In this session you will learn how estimate models for clustered data, such as country-comparative survey data.
In this session you will learn how estimate complex conditional and non-linear OLS models and communicate their results visualizations of the model.
In this session you will learn how estimate simple OLS models with continuous and categorical predictors.
In this session you will learn how to wrangle your data into just the shape you need it.
In this session you will learn how identify latent constructs from a range of indicator variables.
This lecture introduces you the %% operator as neat way to organize your code.
This lecture will finalize our introduction to the basics of the grammar of graphics and ggplot2.
This lecture will introduce you to data frames and tibbles, the best way to organize data in R.